I’m a factory owner. Is there any way to make my employees love the factory and work to the fullest?
I’m a factory owner. I’d like to ask you if there is any way to make my employees love the factory and work to the fullest.
Meditation Testimonial Mr.Richard Braun(Germany)
Meditation to attain the Dhammakaya has restrained me from having bad thoughts. When I have bad thoughts, I can clear them out very quickly before I end up feeling sorry about doing bad deeds or saying bad words.
Not Leaving One’s Work Undone.
It’s inevitable for us to avoid our life’s duties since we were bom starting from our duties as children, as brothers, as sisters, as pupils, as people, as husbands, as wives, as parents, as monks, as nuns, as leaders, as slaves, etc.
How To Build The Habits Of The Children To Be Sincere And Clever (Mai Ngo)#5
Parents have to teach children who the bhikkhus are: The word “Phra Sangha” is combined by 2 words: “Phra” means great and “Sangha” (pronounced Song) means group
Thai people have the problem of working without any expectations for progress. How do we cultivate more dedication and a stronger work ethic in Thai people like those in other developed countries?
Thai people have the problem of working without any expectations for progress, which has resulted in the slow development of our country. How do we cultivate more dedication and a stronger work ethic in Thai people like those in other developed countries?
My friend told me that regular people like him/her who work, maintaining the precepts is enough no need to meditate. How can I explain to him/her?
I once invited a friend to meditate. My friend told me that regular people like him/her who work, maintaining the precepts is enough. It is not necessary to meditate also. How can I explain Luang Phaw’s teachings to him/her?
Cherishing our Husband or Wife # 1
In chewing food, if our tongue and teeth do not work in harmony, we will mostly likely bite ourselves and shed tears.
Words From The Son To His Alcoholic Father
เรื่องราวชีวิตครอบครัวของ เด็กชาย อายุ 11 ปี ลูกครึ่งไทย-เยอรมัน...คุณพ่อของเขาติดน้ำเมาอย่างมาก กลับมาจากที่ทำงานถึงบ้าน ก็ดื่มน้ำเมาไม่เคยสนใจครอบครัว ขนาดนอนป่วยรักษาตัวอยู่ที่โรงพยาบาล ยังต้องแอบดื่ม ต่อมา คุณแม่ของเขา ทนไม่ไหว ฟ้องหย่า...สุดท้าย คุณพ่อของเขาตัดสินใจฆ่าตัวตาย...ตัวเขาเอง แม้ว่าจะเป็นลูกชาวเยอรมัน แต่ก็ชอบการบวช เคยบวชเป็นสามเณร เพราะตั้งใจจะเอาบุญบวชช่วยคุณแม่ที่เจ็บป่วย และมีความตั้งใจว่าเมื่อโตขึ้นจะบวชตลอดชีวิต
The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering # 2
The Lord Buddha taught that the extent of craving in the minds of living beings is so great as to be beyond words
Seeing Bad Television Shows and Movies, Do We Need Them?
Bad shows create bad pictures and memories in our minds. Bad shows can generate anger, greed, and delusion in our minds. Bad words and bad deeds come from bad thoughts. Bad thoughts come from bad pictures in our minds.